Friday, January 1, 2010

Dad's Christmas Quilt

This is the quilt I made dad for Christmas.
He was so excited to get a quilt just for him.
I had a lot of fun making it... until my sewing machine
decided to quit. I had to bring out my older and smaller
machine and was that a challenge to finish his quilt.
I stayed up until 3:00 a.m two nights in a row.
After ripping out much of the quilting that was
teribble, (my walking foot does not fit the smaller machine)
I quilted it in panels and then put them together.
That turned out to be much better with the smaller machine.
All that matters is I finished it and dad loved it.


  1. There is no gift like one made with your hands and with love from your heart. I know your dad will treasure his quilet. Thanks for sharing it with us. Congratulations on making the deadline. Now you can take a nap! ~ Happy New Year!

  2. Great job on the quilt. I'm sure your dad loves it more because you made it for him.

